Monday, March 29, 2010



the obsession worsens.

its almost comical. to step outside myself and realize that thoughts of riding my bicycle become so consuming at this time every year. could be worse i guess. i could be addicted to crack. or farm animals.


tom said...

Is there something wrong with farm animals?

Steve Fuller said...

Tom - As long as it's in moderation. I would suggest staying away from the elk farm up near Shockey's neck of the woods. They look like they could hold a grudge if you didn't treat them right

Ari said...

Ben, I can no longer sleep. Been riding at midnight. Been trying out the Carbo-rocket for a while and I think I am going to go with it at T.I.
See you soon,

shockstar said...

and they still don't have antlers! seriously, that was the biggest buzzkill of the std. so excited to show off the elk only to suffer massive disappointment.
ari-glad you like it. took me a long time to settle on something that worked for my system and now i won't ride with anything else.