Monday, February 16, 2009

happy birthday bro

larsson and i are heading down to des moines later today to celebrate adam's birthday with the help of heather, amy and kent. the visit was supposed to be a surprise but that never seems to work out so we'll see if i can come up with another surprise or two just to keep him guessing. no heads up here though even though i'm sure he's working way too hard to check today...anyway there'll probably be a recap of it eventually. other than that just resting up a bit after saturday night's after bar raged until 7 a.m. had to take a few days off the bike due to this weekends parties at the bar. the owner hosts a 50-team volleyball tournament that brings in teams from all over the country. its hands down the biggest party i've ever seen in decorah outside of nordic mess. so, i'm just a bit rundown from the weekend. lots going on coming up with adam's birthday, probably a day or two missed with the new ink going into the leg, larsson's birthday next week and recently signed up to coach larsson's biddy basketball team. there'll still be plenty of time to ride, just need to get a bit more organized and start getting caught up on sleep.


Elly said...

Sleep and good nutrition are essential to good training.
Good luck!

forbesfamily said...

Thanks for coming down, was a great time!